Educational Resources

One of our best assets as a school is our large collection of Japanese books and other educational materials. Our collection includes picture books (ehon, 絵本), large Japanese “paper-theatre” storytelling books (Kamishibai, 紙芝居), children and young adults books, classic literatures, education and child-rearing related books.

We also have educational materials such as card games (Karuta, かるた), board games (Sugoroku, すごろく), classic card game with one hundred old poems by one hundred poets (Hyakunin isshu, 百人一首), origami papers (Origami 折り紙), calligraphy sets (Shodoyogu, 書道用具) and so on.

You can follow the link below to browse our entire collection. Members pay fees to rent these materials. We also use these resources during the cultural and educational events that we hold. This collection of Japanese books is made possible from all the previous students’ tuition, grants, and donations.

Our Library

Yomikikase - Kamishibai Reading